What Are the Steps of a Professional Dental Cleaning
Professional cleaning is not nearly as tough as you believe it to be. A firm grasp of the procedure can help alleviate your worry and allow you to have a stress-free operation. You can talk to a dentist in Brookline, MA, and get more information today.
Many individuals fear having their teeth cleaned. Given the prodding, strange noises, and occasional jaw ache, it’s easy to understand their apprehension. However, for most people, teeth cleaning is straightforward and painless. Knowing exactly what happens during the process will help you relax and appreciate the minty-fresh results more.
Physical assessment
A dental hygienist does the majority of tooth cleanings. They begin the cleaning process with a physical examination of your whole mouth. The dental hygienist examines your teeth and gums using a tiny mirror to look for symptoms of gingivitis (inflamed gums) or other potential problems. If they see any severe issues, the dental hygienist may contact the dentist to ensure everything is in order.
Removing tartar and plaque
The dental hygienist makes use of a scaler to remove tartar and plaque from around your gum line and between your teeth, using the little mirror to direct them. There will be scraping, which is typical. The more tartar in your mouth, the longer it will take them to scrape a certain area.
Flossing and brushing prevent plaque from accumulating and hardening into tartar. Tartar may only be removed at your dentist’s office once it has formed. So, if this is your least favorite aspect of the teeth-cleaning process, the lesson is to brush and floss your teeth more frequently.
Gritty toothpaste cleaning
After your teeth have been thoroughly cleaned, the hygienist will brush them with a high-powered electric brush that creates a grinding noise. While it may seem frightening, it is an excellent technique to deep clean and eliminate any tartar left behind by the scaler.
Professional cleanings use toothpaste that tastes and smells like conventional toothpaste, with the option of selecting between flavors. However, it has a gritty texture that softly washes your teeth. This expert tooth polishing is considered safe to conduct twice a year. However, do not be too rough on your teeth at home; this will wear down the enamel.
Regardless of whether you floss yourself or not, nothing beats a professional flossing session. The hygienist may reach deeper between the teeth to find any potential problem areas where your gums may bleed.
Consult your dentist today.
After the hygienist has completed the preceding processes, your dentist will do the final checkup. The dentist may do further operations based on what he or she sees in your mouth. Return to your dentist at least twice a year for routine teeth cleaning.